Unlocking the Power of Your Mind: Finding Balance and Shifting Negative Thoughts

Photo Credit to Jordan Opel

If you are a weekly reader of our Momentum blog, then you know we predominantly write about communication and ownership accountability in some form or fashion. This is a redundant topic because as a human, I have to be consistently reminded that how I perceive the world is totally up to me. If that’s the case, does it make you wonder why we choose to think thoughts that create suffering? The short answer is sometimes there are lessons embedded in negative thoughts as long as we are aware of them.  Our awareness is both scientific and energetic. It depends on which hemisphere of our brain we are using.

Jill Bolte Taylor, a Harvard-trained brain scientist, has insight into the workings of our brains. In defining how our brains operate, Taylor says, “Our minds are highly sophisticated ‘seek and ye shall find’ instruments. We are designed to focus on whatever we are looking for. If I seek red in the world then I will find it everywhere.” This is a powerful reminder to be mindful of our thoughts… we attract what we think.

We have to understand that we actually have two working brains. 

The right brain focuses on the present moment, the big picture, and with no judgment. In the right brain, Taylor says “Freed from all perception of boundaries, my right mind proclaims, ‘I am a part of it all.’ My right mind sees unity among all living entities, and I am hopeful that you are intimately aware of this character within yourself.” This is where we tap into our intuition and the energy around us. We can’t always explain where our “gut” feelings come from, but they are a part of our right mind. 

Our left brain is designed to organize information and it’s where our ability to communicate with the external world presides. Its’ purpose is to analyze, organize, judge, and remember how everything functions in the linear world. “One of the most prominent characteristics of our left brain is its ability to weave stories. This story-teller portion of our left mind’s language center is specifically designed to make sense of the world outside of us, based on minimal amounts of information,” suggests Taylor. Our left brain loves facts and the science behind proving things.

Why is it important to be aware of the functions of both hemispheres? This awareness can help us recognize when we are caught up in a loop of negative thoughts. We are creatures of habit and if we perceive an experience to be wrong, painful, or bad, we will most likely avoid that experience. Or we choose to fight, flee, or freeze as a reaction too. This is part of survival and those responses are necessary depending on the circumstance. However, we have to be careful to realize that our left-mind storyteller sometimes likes to be a bit dramatic which causes us to overreact. One way to interrupt this loop is to take a deep breath (or three!) and get present. When we can access our right mind, it brings us calm and we are better able to see the big picture. This perspective allows us the space to regroup, get curious, and determine how we choose to respond. By doing this, our “thinking brain” responds more productively and with less impact. The outcomes tend to be reliable, safe, and fulfilling. 

What negative stories do you get stuck in? If I had a nickel for every negative thought…! 

I’m interested in catching myself and playing the brain balance game. I am grateful for both sides of my brain. I appreciate seeing the world for all its beauty from my right brain and having the ability to articulate myself through the workings of my left brain. If you’re interested in learning more about this subject, I highly recommend Jill Bolte Taylor’s book, My Stroke of Insight. It’s fascinating!

Cheers to brain power,

Martha Lynn Mangum

Fundamental of the Week #2: LISTEN GENEROUSLY

Give others your full attention, be present and engaged and set aside your internal conversation as best you can. Let go of your need to agree, disagree or judge.  Be empathetic, and listen for the needs of others. Use your curiosity to get all the facts, separating facts from interpretations.

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