The Momentum Fundamentals

Cultures are a reflection of the behaviors that characterize them. Usually, this occurs by default; in some cases, forward-thinking companies design them. This is part of the work we do, and we started with ourselves. 

We have 26 behavioral fundamentals. They capture the behaviors we are dedicated to modeling in our lives and with the people we work with.

Fundamental of the Week #1: ACT WITH INTEGRITY

Integrity is the core of everything. Tell the truth, acknowledge and own your mistakes and clean them up with appropriate corrections. Do the right thing even when no one is looking.  

Fundamental of the Week #2: LISTEN GENEROUSLY

Give others your full attention, be present and engaged and set aside your internal conversation as best you can. Let go of your need to agree, disagree or judge.  Be empathetic, and listen for the needs of others. Use your curiosity to get all the facts, separating facts from interpretations.

Fundamental of the Week #3: SPEAK STRAIGHT, RESPECTFULLY 

Address issues directly with those involved, even if it feels uncomfortable. Speak honestly, clearly and respectfully in a way that moves the action forward. Ask questions for clarity and share ideas. Check for understanding.

Fundamental of the Week #4: GIVE UP THE NEED TO BE RIGHT

Keep your ego, personal agenda, and judgments out of the way of doing what’s best for the team or client. Don’t let your need to “be right” interfere with hearing others and seeing other possibilities.

Fundamental of the Week #5: ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST

Develop the practice of doing your best each day. As it becomes a habit, what constitutes your best will change and improve over time.

Fundamental of the Week #6: CREATE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT

Both physical and emotional safety are important. Safety means it's okay to speak up or try new ideas without fear of blame; Innovation thrives in a safe environment.

Fundamental of the Week #7: WORK IN PARTNERSHIP

We always work in partnership. Do what’s best for the client, even when it feels difficult or uncomfortable.

Fundamental of the Week #8: SERVICE IS EXPONENTIAL 

We are in business to make a difference wherever we touch lives – with clients, each other and our communities. We serve the greater good by helping people have more satisfying, productive interactions, and that service has an exponential effect.

Fundamental of the Week #9: COMMUNICATE TO BE UNDERSTOOD

Communicate in the least complicated way. You are accountable for what people understand or misunderstand. 

Fundamental of the Week #10: KEEP THINGS FUN

Our day-to-day work problems are small compared to those facing most of the world. Laugh every day; don’t take things too seriously.

Fundamental of the Week #11: HONOR COMMITMENTS  

Be reliable; deliver on your commitments, no matter how small. If a deadline is in jeopardy, notify others immediately and set a new agreement.

Fundamental of the Week #12: BE ACCOUNTABLE  

Own what happens in your world. That means holding yourself and others to account in a way that strengthens the relationship.  

Fundamental of the Week #13: FIND A WAY

Look for how we can do it rather than explaining why it can’t be done. Take personal responsibility. Be innovative, assertive and take initiative. 

Fundamental of the Week #14: DELIVER RESULTS  

Set high goals without overpromising. Track and measure your progress, and hold yourself and others accountable for delivering consistent results. 


Communicate your expectations clearly; make sure people hear what you are asking. Take care to understand what’s expected of you.

Fundamental of Week #16: RESPECT CONFIDENTIALITY

Honor the trust others give us. Be rigorous about safeguarding confidential information and be clear to other people about what should be kept in confidence.

Fundamental of the Week #17: BE DEDICATED TO PERSONAL GROWTH  

Be a lifetime learner by challenging yourself to take risks and operate outside your comfort zone. Solicit feedback, learn from mistakes and apply that learning. The magic happens when you understand problems as opportunities for breakthroughs.


Focus on finding a solution, not who is at fault; apply your creativity, spirit and enthusiasm to developing solutions. Then, identify lessons learned, and use those lessons to improve processes and strengthen relationships.  

Fundamental of the Week #19: FIX PROBLEMS AT THE SOURCE

Address issues by discovering the root cause rather than only focusing on the symptoms or the consequences.  Seek improvement by developing long-term solutions.

Fundamental of the Week #20: APPRECIATE AND ACKNOWLEDGE 

Regularly let people know you appreciate their qualities. Being acknowledged for a task well done is important; being acknowledged for a character quality is lasting. 

Fundamental of the Week #21: LEAD BY EXAMPLE 

The best way to influence others is to be the change you want to see. Bring a calming presence. Your authentic expression helps others shine.


Model enthusiasm in your response to issues and rigor in your follow-up. Keep people updated, and make sure they are clear about your communications.

Fundamental of the Week #23: PRACTICE RECOVERY 

When mistakes or errors in judgment happen, own it. Communicate to the appropriate parties, acknowledge your accountability, and set corrective steps in motion. Get back in the game quickly.

Fundamental of the Week #24: ASSUME POSITIVE INTENT

Work from the assumption that people are good, fair, and honest. Set aside your own judgments or preconceived notions, and give people the benefit of the doubt. Look for the positive intent in their actions and communications.

Fundamental of the Week #25: PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS

Be rigorous about accuracy and precision. Double-check your work. 


Always seek a breakthrough approach. Our job is to improve the lives and work of the people around us. This path takes planning, diligence, and thoughtfulness.