Managing a Safe Work Environment


“Let’s manage safety recognizing how humans are and stop managing safety the way we wish humans were.” - Alan Quilley

You may wonder why Momentum Consulting has a fundamental principle about safety. We are consultants, not construction workers that operate heavy machinery or walk along scaffolding high in the air. That kind of occupation requires high levels of safety procedures, as that could be a life or death situation. Most business consulting would not be considered “life or death.” However, it IS the life of your business, and we take that very seriously.  

I find there are two reasons that this is an important cultural behavior for our organization.

First, it’s a reminder to be present.

Accidents, mistakes, and breakdowns occur when we move too fast or find ourselves distracted. This requires us to be present in our physical surroundings to avoid injury or disaster.

Second, it requires us to be present with each other.

We are in the business of effective communication. When we coach leaders, we are focused on each leader creating a safe environment for their teams. This safe environment includes the ability to speak frankly, share ideas, debate, and trust that communications are heard and respected. If it’s not safe for someone to speak up, then we are setting ourselves up for sub par results.

This is an interesting time. We seem to be living on two parallel planes. We are either overly sensitive and hesitant to speak up, or we will let it all out and say too much. Neither way seems to lead to the results we want.

The culture of safety begins with the leader.  We have to start with listening and encouraging dialogue.  Team members thrive in this type of environment, which becomes a win/win for everyone!

“If you talk to a man in a language that he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” - Nelson Mandela

I have always heard there is safety in numbers. Surround yourself with people that promote open, honest communication. It’s remarkable what we can accomplish with this principle in mind.

Be safe,

Martha Lynn

Fundamental #6: Create a Safe Environment

Safety requires accountability, awareness and diligence. Never take shortcuts that compromise yours or others’ safety. Performance thrives in a safe environment.


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