Always Do Your Best


Always Do Your Best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment. It will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret. – Don Miguel Ruiz

In The Four Agreements, Ruiz goes on to suggest that we can get the most out of doing our best by being committed to the process, not just the result. At Momentum Consulting, I see this at work all the time.

Yes, we are deeply committed to the end result for our clients.

At the same time, it’s the experience, from start to finish, that impacts how we do business. There is no finish line for transformation.

Always doing our best builds trust.

If we begin with this foundation in mind, this means we greatly contribute to the end product. In the book Trusted Advisor, Robert Galford lists a series of traits all exceptional coaches have. One that stands out is that a coach should remember everything their client has ever said. As impossible as that may seem, building this listening skill also builds trust. Furthermore, it requires one to do one’s best.

Challenge in action

For those of you out there with a core value of perfection, excellence, quality, or something in that vein, the idea of always doing your best may seem like a no-brainer. Wherever you fall on the core value spectrum, I challenge you to take on the concept of doing your best in a new way.

Start this week.

Practice doing everything in your life with excellence. Really do your absolute best with all tasks, promises and endeavors of any kind. 

For example, if you don’t make your bed, start doing it now. If you already make your bed, do it with more precision this week than you’ve ever done. Bring your best to your decision-making, handwriting, parallel parking, mowing the lawn … everything!

Try it on and see what your life is like inside this context of always doing your best. 

Let us know how it goes. We would love to hear what impact this makes.



Fundamental #5 | Always Do Your Best

It’s essential that we always do our very best. If there is ever a question about quality, go back, and stay at it until the question is removed.


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