The Value of Building a Supportive Community

Photo from Marlene Clark, Summit 2023

In a recent LinkedIn post by our client and friend, Salar Javid, I stumbled upon an insight that resonated deeply with me. Here’s the gist of what he shared:

"What’s the true secret to wealth and success? Your true net worth is not about how much money you have in the bank or your luxurious possessions. Instead, it's all about the power of your connections and the community you build around you. Your tribe is everything, and investing in those relationships will unlock a wealth that goes far beyond monetary value. It's the people in your corner, and the richest among us are those who understand the power of their connections and the incredible value that comes from building a supportive community.

Think about it - when you focus on serving your community and contributing to your network, you're laying the foundation for incredible success. And the best part? Financial gains are just a byproduct of the well-maintained and mutually supportive network you've built. It's about creating a circle of influence where everyone grows together, where your success is my success, and vice versa."

Salar’s words struck a chord within me. It prompted a reflection on the immense value of the relationships in my life. He reminded me to cherish the diverse connections that enrich my journey, and in turn, I enrich theirs. These relationships, as Salar eloquently puts it, are indeed the cornerstone of true prosperity. I feel very rich indeed!

But it wasn’t always this clear to me. In my younger years, I often found myself grappling with the multitude of relationships I navigated - family, friends, clients, and more. Yet, with age comes clarity, and I've come to see these connections not as separate circles, but as interconnected pathways weaving through the fabric of my life.

As I grow older, I find solace in authenticity and freely giving of myself in every interaction. This mindset shift has allowed me to focus on service in every moment, nurturing my relationships with intentionality and care.

I remember in a recent conversation with my eldest daughter, Christa Clark, we discussed what it's been like for her to turn 30. We acknowledged the tendency to focus on what remains undone rather than celebrating our relationships as paramount achievements. While we were talking about the pressures of societal narratives around achievement as we age, she made a profound realization - her greatest accomplishment lies in the richness of her relationships. She took the initiative to express her gratitude to those in her life, igniting a ripple effect of love and appreciation.

Her actions served as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of connection. 

The bonds we cultivate with others not only shape our fulfillment but also serve as a catalyst for collective success.

Have you taken a moment to truly appreciate the wealth of connections surrounding you? Have you expressed your gratitude to those who uplift and support you?

I invite you to pause and reflect. Reach out to those who matter most and let them know the impact they’ve had on your journey. For in fostering these connections lies the true essence of abundance and success.

All the best,



Communicate your expectations clearly; make sure people hear what you are asking. Take care to understand what’s expected of you.

Momentum Consulting offers executive business coaching, top-level executive consulting, team training, and team off-sites to build and transform your business to the next level. Inquire about business consulting and leadership coaching today.


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