Living Our Lives in the Service of Others

Marlene and Craig Clark

Fundamental of the Week #13: FIND A WAY

Look for how we can do it rather than explaining why it can’t be done. Take personal responsibility. Be innovative, assertive, and take initiative.


Our mission isn't just about running a business; it's about touching lives and leaving a mark of positivity with our clients, colleagues, and communities. It's a journey that transcends time, echoing through the years, and weaving together the threads of friendship, service, and transformation.

As I sit down to write this blog, Craig and I are on our way to SoCal to see the magical friends we bonded with starting in the late 80s. Together, we ventured into the realms of play and labor, our hands reaching out not just to accomplish tasks, but to uplift lives. I am certain it’s one of the reasons we are still close friends to this day. 

Being of service to others includes all aspects and all areas of our lives.

It's not a box to check, but rather a lifelong journey to embrace. It is a calling that beckons us to transcend the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary. Service becomes intertwined with our identity when we're attuned to the countless opportunities it presents each day. Our journey with Momentum Consulting began with youthful enthusiasm, an eagerness to learn, and a fervent desire to make a difference.

When my husband (and business partner) asked me to marry him 37 years ago (November 1985), he made me a whole slew of unreasonable promises. I’m pretty sure he started with only a few in mind. However, I was so dumbfounded by the fact he was proposing to me that I didn’t say anything. This, in turn, spurred him on and he just kept promising.

The one moment that finally did it... the one that stopped me in my tracks and had me actually consider the possibility of making a life-long commitment to this guy was this:


It was a pledge that resonated deep within me, an assurance that our journey together would transcend the ordinary and embrace a higher purpose. It was a commitment that drew an unequivocal "yes" from my heart. Why is that? The resonance of that promise was profound, awakening within me a realization that life finds its truest meaning in service to others and knowing that our lives make some sort of difference.

In a world full of survival strategies and endless competition, it's all too easy to lose sight of what truly matters and what genuinely works. However, we have the power to reclaim our purpose, to affirm our commitment to service in our everyday lives.

We're not just saying "yes" to serving others; we're saying "yes" to a life infused with meaning and connection.

It's a gift we extend to our workspaces, clients, families, friends, and communities. This gift of service radiates in all directions, a boomerang of positivity that circles back to enrich our own lives.

So, let's keep the flame of service burning, and ignite sparks of inspiration in every encounter. As we navigate the intricate dance of life, let's remember that our purpose isn't confined to profit margins or personal accolades. Our purpose is to create a legacy of change, to embody the transformative power of service, and to leave an indelible mark on the world.

Serving others is a gift that goes 360 degrees; ultimately, it is a gift we give ourselves.

All my best,


Fundamental of the Week #08: SERVICE IS EXPONENTIAL 

We are in business to make a difference wherever we touch lives – with clients, each other and our communities. We serve the greater good by helping people have more satisfying, productive interactions, and that service has an exponential effect.

Momentum Consulting offers executive business coaching, top-level executive consulting, team training, and team off-sites to build and transform your business to the next level. Inquire about business consulting and leadership coaching today.


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