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Brett Morris, Fundamental of the Week Brett Morris Brett Morris, Fundamental of the Week Brett Morris

What is that Noise?

When I work with clients who are in similar situations, I usually tell them, “Find yourself at the source of your suffering.” They rarely like to hear this, and now I find myself reluctant to take my own medicine. It initially seems like I’m asking myself to take responsibility for someone else’s mistake, but that’s not it. I’m reminding myself to be accountable for my own experience. The suffering really is optional, and blaming just increases it for everyone.

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Fundamental of the Week, Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum Fundamental of the Week, Martha Lynn Mangum Martha Lynn Mangum

Blame Culture


This seems to be the rule and no longer the exception.

When did we become so afraid of accepting responsibility? I know for me personally, I used to hate making mistakes. And worse than that, I was getting in trouble for my mistakes. I’m not sure why…. because the consequences were never as bad as I imagined in my head. Nobody has ever expected perfection or loved me less because I make mistakes.

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