Grateful for the Art of Communication


Happy Thanksgiving!

Many of us will be lucky enough to sit around a feast with loved ones soon, and there will be many, “What are you grateful for?” – conversations. With numerous topics to argue about these days, I’m looking to come together through meaningful conversation. 

What I’m grateful for this year is the art of communication. 

Solid communication in family, as well as in business, is paramount here at Momentum Consulting, and I’ve always appreciated the practice of clear, straight speaking. Being a “literal" person, I tend to get confused at nuanced, presumptive speak. When someone approaches me with innuendos and subtleties to decipher, I’ll eventually get there, but my comprehension is far faster when it’s straight to the point.

Have you ever had someone start talking to you, and it’s quickly apparent even they have no idea what they’re talking about? Of course this happens from time to time, and we’ve all been on both sides of this confusion. It can make for good fun, but can also cause frustration and loss of productivity. 

Clear and efficient communication begins with the speaker having a clear intention on what is to be said. 

One person who continues to tutor me on this is our CEO, Craig Clark. Possibly unwittingly, he trains me to further hone my message by his example and listening skills. I notice I often come to him with a request that isn’t initially stated as such. It can land as a loose idea, strange observation, or even a complaint.

Rarely do I intend to drop a problem in his lap or complain, but I know that’s exactly what I’ve done when I see a bewildered look on his face, followed by the question, “Ok. Now what do you want me do with that?” At that point I laugh at myself and finally speak straight with my request. 

Yes, there are instances we just don’t have the time or energy to perfectly craft our message, but when possible, be clear. In practicing and mastering the art of speaking straight, it may require us to play out these conversations mentally to self-clarify in advance. It not only adds clarity, it inspires confidence in the listener. I assert that there’s value in that preparation, as there’s enough useless information in the world that I would rather not add to. 

Another guide in this practice is our personal Core Values.

The more work I do in this area the more I notice my concerns are directly related to these drivers of behavior. Said another way, the things that are unconsciously important to us are somewhere inside our core values. These are the filters that lean heavily into our speaking and shade how straight our speaking is or isn’t.  

Cheers, and bon appétit!


Fundamental #3: SPEAK STRAIGHT, RESPECTFULLY Speak honestly and clearly in a way that moves the action forward. Say what you mean. Ask questions for clarity, share ideas and be willing to raise issues, even if they may create conflict, when it is needed for success or maintaining collaboration. Address issues directly with those who are involved or affected. Take responsibility for getting your message across.


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