Embracing Consciousness in a Connected Universe

Photo @nasa

I was recently intrigued by a series from The Weekend University, titled “A Conscious Universe.

This was part of a series from ChangingoftheGods.com. The conversation was built around the Oneness of the Universe of which each of us is a part, the mind-bender being each part, including down to our cells, regardless of size contains the whole of it within. There appears to be a growing body of science and recognized scientists who are finding evidence that there is consciousness in

Panpsychism is the term for this scientific body:
“Panpsychism is the idea that consciousness did not evolve to meet some survival need, nor did it emerge when brains became sufficiently complex. Instead, it is inherent in matter — all matter. In other words, everything has consciousness. Consciousness is
not limited to humans and other animals.” Feb 16, 2021

I will admit, my intelligent brain could absorb this, but my emotional rationale struggled.

Not unlike… “Do you believe in ghosts, flying saucers, or life on other planets…” Radical to absurd questions when I was growing up, easily got you laughed out of the room. Today, thanks to evolved technology and research, not so far out. The pendulum seems to be swinging the other way, yet a concept too big for our brains to fully comprehend.

The question it provokes is, how certain can we be of almost anything?

In our consulting and coaching work, we often use a model representing “What we know and what we do not know,” for instance I know that I do not know advanced Mathematics. Growing and learning is about moving stuff from I do not know to I do know. In our model, there is also a large blank space. This represents what we do not know and do not even know we do not know, consequently, it does not exist. Watching this series underscored the vastness of the Universe, a vastness I think is inconceivable to us. (The experience of breakthrough occurs when we discover something in that vast “do not know and do not know it” arena.)

Something I read a few days ago in The Guardian brought our limited knowledge home to me.

In Rotterdam, Antwerp, Glasgow, and Enschede the Crows and Magpies were pulling the metal strips and spikes that were on the buildings and making steel nests out of them. Ornithologists have long been impressed with how innovative birds can be in finding nest materials, but this gobsmacked them. The Magpies took it a step further, apparently understanding the purpose of the spikes and arranging them on their nests in a defensive manner. Crows and magpies

Other studies have determined that:

  • Fungi have intelligent communications with other interspecies of the forest

  • Honeybees recognize faces and understand the concept of zero

  • Plants feel your touch

  • And it goes on… early people knew this and indigenous people today know this.

In our work on the Economics of Decency, I realized some of the practices to expand our awareness, like, listening with an open mind, being straight and respectful in our communication, and standing for others' success, are likewise the practices of a connected Universe. That Universe is not where we are, it is who we are!

The bad news… somewhere between Origin and “the fall” in Genesis, we began to shift from a connected world to a material world… and the rest they say “is history!”

The good news is…we can recover! It is not complicated and it is work. We pay a high price for ignoring this. Health professionals suggest that 1 out of 5 of us experience some level of mental illness, 50% of people leave their jobs due to their boss, and only a third of people are fully engaged (think enjoy) at work.

“It is not complicated and it is work.” It may be worth it!

“The secret turning in your heart, is the Universe turning.” Rumi

Thank you for your attention, I appreciate you, and by the way, we can help!



Fundamental of the Week #11: HONOR COMMITMENTS

Be reliable; deliver on your commitments, no matter how small. If a deadline is in jeopardy, notify others immediately and set a new agreement.

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