Authenticity in the Workplace: Why Being Yourself Matters

Last week we had our annual leadership summit here in Austin, Texas, with the theme of how to cultivate authenticity in the workplace. We examined the risks and the benefits of bringing our true selves to work. 

What was revealed is there is no easy answer to this because there’s not just one way to look at it. We do have to deal with the reality of shared perceptions of what is acceptable and not acceptable in and around the workplace and what it might cost us if we are not in line with these. There is a broad spectrum of culturally agreed-upon behaviors to navigate, depending on what kind of environment you are in.

Regardless of whether you work in a creative agency, architectural firm, sales enterprise, corporate environment, or government organization, we all hold fixed points of view regarding what we can and cannot do and say. However, it is worth considering how much of this is a fixed reality and how much of it is shaped by our own thinking.

The purpose of introducing a conversation about authenticity includes examining where we add to the concern or subtract from the freedom in this equation. When we become more aware, we begin to take accountability for our individual limited perspectives and judgments of ourselves and others based on our own beliefs that we’ve developed throughout our lifetimes.

One of the key factors people shared about why they hold back from fully being themselves was afraid of being judged. As much as I’d like to say I no longer worry about this, the truth is that it’s a never-ending journey of letting go of something we can’t really control.  A wise coach once told me, “What people think of you is none of your business. That is their business. You actually have no control over it.  What you can focus on is how you see others and how you see yourself.”

In our coaching sessions and during offsites with our clients, we often talk about our impact on others while working together to get things done. It’s not about adjusting who we are in order not to impact others in a negative way. It’s about being our authentic selves and then noticing what kind of an impact we have on others. However, this is a big one and something to go further with on another blog.

We are grateful for those attending the summit who shared their challenges in being themselves. From one participant’s perspective, “Authenticity gives you the opportunity to build closeness with others. The only way you can really find your people is to take the risk of standing out and showing your uniqueness. And with this comes the possibility you may not be liked by everyone. For me, it is totally worth it and supports living a fulfilling life.” 

We think there’s value in asking the questions - not just trying to find the “right” answer. What if there is no right answer? What if the benefit is in asking ourselves powerful questions, such as:

  • What does my authentic way actually look like?

  • How can I bring more of my authentic self to work, my neighborhood, my community, and my family today?

  • What keeps me from feeling okay about being myself?

  • What justifications have I made up to stay small and play it safe?

  • What risks would I be taking in being real with others?

  • What benefits would I receive in taking those risks?

  • What support do I need to be courageously open to life and share my true self with others?

Please join us today from 1:00 - 2:00 pm CDT on Zoom. Craig is hosting a Q&A Session as a follow-up to the Summit. He will briefly review the principles of authenticity and then open the mic for any questions you on any subject. Click here to join us! If you can't make this one, take us up on a free coaching session.

We are here for it, and we are here for you.

Authentically yours,


Fundamental of the Week #25: PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS

Be rigorous about accuracy and precision. Double-check your work.

Momentum Consulting offers executive business coaching, top-level executive consulting, team training, and team off-sites to build and transform your business to the next level. Inquire about business consulting and leadership coaching today.


The Biggest Room in the World


Accidental Authenticity is the Best Kind