A New Year's Resolution to Keep Things Fun

Photo by Brett Morris

Fact #1: Our Fundamental of the Week is KEEP THINGS FUN. Our day-to-day work problems are small compared to those facing most of the world. Laugh every day; don’t take things too seriously.

Fact #2: I’m not into New Year’s resolutions.

Fact #3: I’m making one this year, but first, go with me on a little journey of self-exploration… and we’ll start with my dad.

My dad, Bob Morris, invented “cool.”

If you ever met him, you know exactly what I mean.

He rarely got excited or emotional in any way because he was just too cool. I remember seeing a video of him from the '80s when he won a Blackjack tournament in Las Vegas. He’d just beaten scores of semi-pro wannabes and pocketed $50,000. After he was declared the winner, he calmly raised one fist pump for about half a second (just for the camera), then the celebration was over, but he was cool when he did it.

I inherited some of this, but it doesn’t really show up as cool; it shows up like I’m afraid of looking silly. Without success, I still go through life with woeful attempts to be cool like my dad, but the fact is, I’m not only NOT my dad, I’m a totally dorky square peg trying not to be found out. That’s who I really am.

Funny … as I write this, I realize I did get a trait from my dad that paradoxically turns this whole thing on its head: my core value of Authenticity. He couldn’t stand phonies, so I took on Authenticity as a core value in the hopes of gaining his approval. That’s probably why it pains me to “act cool” all the time because it’s such an inauthentic way of being.

I should probably just give in and be a big spaz like our fearless leaders Craig and Marlene Clark. Those two definitely deserve each other. (written with LOVE - insert heart emoji)

Craig and Marlene seem to be quite comfortable in being the authentically wacky weirdos they are, and maybe I can too.

So in the spirit of Authenticity, that’s my New Year’s resolution: To be a spazzy, silly dorkus every chance I get!

Here’s to all you Cotton-Headed Ninnymuggins out there… go embarrass yourself, be the goofball that you are, and KEEP THINGS FUN!

Who’s with me??? !!!

Keeping things fun,


Fundamental of the Week #10: KEEP THINGS FUN

Our day-to-day work problems are small compared to those facing most of the world. Laugh every day; don’t take things too seriously.

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