A Gnarly Year: The Only Way Out Is Through

Photo by Jaco Pretorius on Unsplash

For the sake of consistency (refer to my previous blogs this year), I’ll kick this one off with the acknowledgment that 2021 has been a GNARLY year for me. Yes, I used the word “gnarly.” It really is the best descriptor for my experience of 2021.  I share about this so openly because I know I’m not the only one going through it.

The other day, I was feeling especially bad for myself, whining to the universe, asking why nothing I’m doing seems to be working. Suddenly, I’m reminded of one of my favorite quotes:

“The only way out is through.”

And I ask, “but what about when the path through resembles a brick wall?” Once again, I’m reminded, “The only way out is through.” 

2021 hasn’t given me a bunch of hurdles to leap over; it’s given me an adverse environment that I’m being asked to thrive in, encouraging me to blossom through concrete.  Medicine that is only trained to heal in a healthy environment will fail before it’s needed the most. 

While acknowledging the pain is vital, true accountability doesn’t end with me claiming how hard this has been. My highest integrity comes from my ability to radiate love and trust regardless of how dark it gets, to know and own myself so fully that no amount of “gnarly” can shake me. 

There is no force that moves like a human being fully anchored in their divinity. There is no power like unconditional love. 

So if you have also had one hell of a year, and you’re starting to wonder “is it ever going to get easier?” I invite you to look at where you can meet yourself with more grace. How can you surrender deeper into the mystery of this human experience and trust that it will all be okay? What would you need to do to ensure that the “garden of you” can thrive in any environment? 

We may not have control over the hurdles life throws at us, but we do have some control over our relationship with those hurdles. At the end of the day, “the only way out is through.” And I promise you the view on the other side is always worth it. 

Fundamental of the Week #14: DELIVER RESULTS  

While effort is appreciated, what gets recognized and rewarded are results. Set high goals, don’t overpromise, track and measure your progress, then hold yourself accountable for delivering on the results. 

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Redesigning Recovery, Updated